(618) 235-2110

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300 S. Charles St, Belleville, IL 62220



I was injured in a hit and run accident, there is nothing I can do though right?

Auto Accident Attorney Belleville IL

At first thought, if you do not know the identity of the other driver, how could you possibly collect compensation from him or her? While this is technically true, the unknown driver is not the only possible source of compensation for your injuries. By law, every insurance policy issued in the State of Illinois must have uninsured motorist protection. This means that you may be able to collect compensation through your own insurance policy (or if you were a passenger, the insurance policy of the driver of your vehicle). Uninsured motorist benefits pay injury-related damages (medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering) suffered by you or the passengers in your vehicle following an accident with an uninsured motorist or hit and run driver.

In Illinois, there must be physical contact between the hit-and-run vehicle and the other vehicle. It is not necessary to find out the identity of the other driver or vehicle. However, you are required to report a hit and run accident to the proper authorities within 24 hours and must notify your car insurance company within the time required by your policy.

While being involved in a hit and run is a frightening, overwhelming experience, it is not hopeless. If you adhere to the requirements of your insurance policy, you may be entitled to compensation, up to the limit of your uninsured motorist coverage. While your car insurance is there to protect you if you cause an accident, it may also help provide you financial compensation if you sustained injuries in a hit and run accident or an accident with an uninsured driver.

If you have any questions, it’s always important to seek out the legal services of an experienced auto accident attorney in Belleville, IL. The lawyers at Katzman & Sugden, LLC fight hard to get the compensation deserved for our clients.