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3 ways having an estate plan makes probate easier for loved ones

When people think about reasons why they should have an estate plan, they often think of protecting their assets and documenting their wishes. However, having an estate plan also plays an important role for loved ones. In fact, without an estate plan, many aspects of a person's death can become much harder than they need to be. One element in particular that benefits from an estate plan is the probate process. When there is a plan in place, probate can be much easier for loved ones in at least a few different ways. Probate will typically go faster. During probate, the...

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Tackling dehydration in dementia patients

Patients with dementia are among those most vulnerable to neglect and abuse in nursing home facilities. Their cognitive declines often mean they do not remember or cannot verbalize any mistreatment they have experienced, and those who do make a report can be dismissed as being confused. They are also susceptible to serious health problems stemming from abuse or neglect, many of which are life-threatening -- and preventable. For instance, dehydration can be a serious concern for dementia patients. How do dementia patients get dehydrated? People with dementia often do not remember that they need to drink fluids throughout the day, and many may...

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Talking to elderly parents about driving

Driving is a major responsibility. Unfortunately, there are many drivers behind the wheel who cannot fulfill this responsibility because of physical limitations or health problems. This could include your parents if they are getting older and suffering from conditions that affect their driving abilities. In these situations, having a frank discussion with them about adjusting their driving habits or even reducing their driving opportunities may be necessary. Below, we discuss some tips for how to approach this sensitive subject. Understand that it's not just about driving When you talk to a parent, understand that the conversation isn't just about driving capabilities. It's about...

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Drowsy driving: A leading cause in trucking accidents

Long-haul truckers transport materials throughout Illinois and across the United States. For many reasons, their careers prove extremely dangerous, as they spend hours facing hazards on the road. Unfortunately, due to the length of their driving shifts, drowsy driving plays a significant role in trucking accidents. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, over 5,000 individuals die per year in commercial truck accidents. If you face a serious injury due to a drowsy truck driver, you are not alone, as over 11,000 people face injuries due to these dangerous occurrences. If a tired truck driver caused...

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How do Illinois courts decide if I will receive alimony?

If you are getting divorced, your post-divorce financial stability can be one of your biggest concerns. This can be especially true if your spouse was the primary earner in your family. In many cases, people in this position wonder about the availability of alimony, or maintenance, which allows a financially disadvantaged party to receive monetary support from a former spouse indefinitely or for a specific period of time. If you are in this position and wondering whether you might receive alimony, you should understand the factors that the courts use to make these decisions. Factors the courts consider When considering a petition for...

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How bad can dog bites be?

Dog bites are a serious problem in Illinois, Missouri and elsewhere in the country. Whether you are a dog owner or not, it is critical to understand what can happen when a dog bites someone. In 2017, nearly 40 people were killed as a result of dog bites, and many of these victims were elderly or young children. These and other statistics should make it clear to anyone that all instances of dog bites should be taken seriously. And readers should also understand that even if a bite isn't fatal, it can still be catastrophic. Non-fatal repercussions of dog bites Not every bite...

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4 reasons why someone might contest a will during probate

Every adult should have a will in place. This document can accomplish many goals, from establishing a person's wishes for asset distribution to making the probate process easier for loved ones. However, there are circumstances under which someone might contest a will, or question its validity during probate. There are several reasons why people contest wills, and below, we examine four of them. We also discuss some basic steps people can take to prevent will contests. Why contest a will? Contesting a will means raising an objection based on the belief that it is invalid for reasons such as the following. The testator...

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Sepsis: a serious (and often avoidable) problem in nursing homes

Nursing home facilities typically promise to provide a loving, attentive environment for the senior patients in their care. Unfortunately, too many fail to follow through with these promises. Instead, patients are subjected to neglect and abuse that threaten their safety and lives. One particularly troubling issue that nursing home patients can face is sepsis. What is sepsis? Sepsis is a dangerous condition that occurs when harmful bacteria enter a person's bloodstream, often through an untreated infection, leading to inflammation. This inflammation can have severe repercussions, from organ failure to septic shock. Older patients are particularly vulnerable to sepsis, especially those who have pneumonia, pressure...

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New recommendations made to keep children safer in crashes

Serious car accidents happen every day. And despite our best efforts, we cannot stop every dangerous driver from causing a crash. However, there are things that motorists can do to stay safer in the event of a motor vehicle accident. One such step is to ensure everyone is buckled up properly, including and especially our children in the back seat. Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics made a slight adjustment to their recommendations regarding children in rear-facing car seats that they feel could save the lives of toddlers. Removal of age guidelines Previously, the AAP recommended that children remain in rear-facing car seats...

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Understanding contested and uncontested divorces

There are typically two types of divorces available in most states. Separating couples approaching a divorce should educate themselves on the differences between contested and uncontested divorces. Whether your divorce goes to court or not will depend upon the investments you each have made in your marriage, as well as your considerations regarding the best interests of your children. Contested divorce A contested divorce is any divorce where the spouses choose to seek legal remedy for disagreements on the proper dissolution of marriage. Sometimes both parties may want the divorce, and other times one spouse does not want the divorce. In many contested...

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