(618) 235-2110

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Serving Illinois & Missouri

300 S. Charles St, Belleville, IL 62220



3 back-to-school mistakes to avoid if you share custody

A new school year is fast approaching. If you are like most parents in Illinois, you have already spent time helping your children get ready. However, it is crucial to also prepare yourself for a new year, particularly if you share custody of your children. You can do this by understanding and avoiding some common mistakes co-parents might make when their kids go back to school. Mistake #1: Not knowing the schedule Schedules may change when kids go back to school. If you or the other parent don't know the schedule, conflicts can arise and children can get confused and scared. Make sure you...

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Who is liable when a dog bites someone in Illinois?

If you or a loved one ever suffers a serious injury due to a dog bite or attack, you may wonder who, if anyone, may be legally responsible for your injuries. In some states, the law says the owner of the dog may be liable, but only if they already knew the dog had a propensity for violence. Since the dog essentially gets one free bite/attack before the owner knows it is actually dangerous, this particular legal principle is known as the "one-bite rule." Fortunately for victims of dog bites here in Illinois, we do not follow the one-bite rule. Illinois' dog...

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What happens during probate?

After a loved one passes away, family members and friends can be dealing with considerable grief. Having to settle the person's affairs often makes this difficult situation even more upsetting, and many people don't know what to do. In this post, we will discuss briefly what happens during probate in an effort to make the process a little easier. What is probate? Backing up, we should explain that probate is the process through which the courts verify a person's will and distribute the person's assets. This happens once a person (typically the estate executor) opens a probate case with the courts. If there...

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Can I file a lawsuit after a dog bites me?

Personal Injury Attorney Belleville IL

Whether you love or dislike dogs, you likely encounter other people's dogs on a regular basis. You might wake up to your neighbor's dog barking in the morning; you probably see many dogs when you are out running errands; your friends or family members could have a dog you see all the time. In most cases, these encounters are brief and harmless. However, that can all change in a matter of seconds if a dog bites you. If you have recently been in this situation, you should understand whether there may be grounds to file a legal claim. To better understand your...

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Chemical restraint abuses in nursing homes today

A "chemical restraint" is the polite term for the use of powerful psychoactive drugs on unruly patients in nursing homes. It's also a form of medical abuse. Despite laws going back decades against the use of chemical restraints, activists in human rights organizations say that the practice is still common in nursing homes, particularly in cases with elderly patients who suffer from dementia. It's estimated that around 179,000 patients are given powerful psychotropic medication, like antipsychotics and sedatives, without a diagnosis that supports the use of such medication. In the case of anti-psychotics, the drugs actually pose serious dangers to patients who are...

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Illinois adds cameras to tools fighting elder abuse

Elder abuse is a shockingly common crime. It's probably not that surprising that seniors can fall victim easily since many of them are physically or mentally infirm. That makes them easy targets for everything from physical and sexual abuse to financial exploitation. Unfortunately, even when police or other authorities are aware that elder abuse might be occurring, it can be difficult to make a case against the abusers that will hold up in court. The victims are often unable to give clear, coherent testimony about precisely what was done to them. Some may not even be aware that they've been victimized. Without...

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